Sector > MedTech

Communicating the true value of your innovation

Unlocking the advocate power of healthcare professionals for MedTech

The difference we make…

As a MedTech company you are at the forefront of driving advancements in healthcare, improving patient outcomes and vitally empowering people by providing the tools to play a more active role in managing their own health. Innovation and information leading to better informed decisions all round – something that truly excites us at Create Health.

But we never underestimate the very real challenges you face in this mission.

A highly competitive landscape that moves quickly requires confident and incisive action. Awareness of your product is no longer enough, change-resistant HCPs and messaging-fatigued consumers need to fully comprehend the benefits the technology offers them, and fast.

Face-to-face time with HCPs is not what it used to be, meaning the strategic use of the right channels to tell a strong, compelling and joined up story is paramount to success.

At Create Health you’ll find a team of highly skilled and experienced strategists, scientists and creative thinkers who understand how to creatively connect with your audiences and strategically unlock your market potential to deliver the strongest possible returns for your investment.

Device, market and audience complexities will be unravelled in order to find the strands of insight that can be woven into your ‘Red Thread’, a strong, distinctive and unbreakable strategy designed to build trust, cut through the noise and change the lives of more patients, sooner.

A bigger opportunity…

We’ll deliver portfolio-led thinking to drive growth across all of your products and services through an integrated but wholly salient approach across each channel and audience.

Strategy that will give you a competitive edge, creativity that will engage customers and our ideas will be made to deliver you stronger returns – so that your outcomes are met.

We’re committed to propelling leaders in global MedTech forward. Join us and let’s change the future of healthcare together.

5 reasons MedTech work with us

Fully code compliant

Compelling brand storytelling

Insight driven and returns focused

Expert content creation to build trust and comprehension

Multi-channel campaign planning

Their creative and strategic thinking is always refreshing and on point…

Their creative and strategic thinking is always refreshing and on point. They really understand the BD business having worked with us for many years and add tremendous value with their therapeutic knowledge and wider health trends.”
Simon Noble-Clarke Marketing Director, BD